A Local, International Solution

With 25 years of experience in property management, we are proud to offer you our services and we invite you to contact us to discuss your expectations, your projects.

A Local, International, Solution.

Local and Expat solutions for managing London properties

We have been managing property for almost twenty five years, we are proud of what we can offer, and invite you to discuss with us what we can achieve for you. We deal with UK Resident, and Non UK Resident Landlords. We specialise in taking care of the entire transaction for the landlord, property investor. Our client base extends around the world, our ex-pat landlords are happy to leave us to automonously manage their properties, protect and enhance their investment, without the worry of dealing with difficult problems over a telephone line and multiple timezones. This is what we specialise in, and this is what we pride ourselves on.

About Us

This business was started by managing the properties of one investor. He wanted to be in control of his property portfolio. After being disappointed by many management agencies, who lacked attention to detail, were not flexible in their approach, did not monitor the maintenance of the properties properly, had no eye on costs, he decided to start managing his own properties.

The boss learned that by managing his properties himself, he was able to increase his income, simply by paying closer attention to the tenants, keeping an eye on the details, closely monitoring costs and by being profesional.

Our Services

We offer a fully managed solution for your property, whether you choose to rent the property,
or keep it vacant for when you want to use it, either way we can look after your property.


Discuss local letting market and agree rental level Arrange photographs.


The regulations around letting a property have increased significantly in recent years


Maintenance is a necessary evil. It is very important for the upkeep of your property, but


Do you have a property in London and spend too much time worrying about it?

Get In Touch

It may be easiest to give us a call and have a chat with one of the team,
send an email, and we will come straight back to you during London working hours:


+44 (0) 207 100 0123

